Aquilegia Rose and Ivory
Aquilegia Navy and White
Aquilegia spring magic White
Aquilegia Kirigami Red & White
Bergenia Schoeshine Rose
Dianthus Colores Oro
Dianthus Luigi
Potentilla nep mis willmott
Scabiosa Pink Mist
Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue
Scabiosa columbaria Kudo White
Scabiosa colum Flutter Pure White
Salvia sensation Deep Blue
Campanula Takionn Blauw
Campanula Takion White
Erysimum linifolium Bowles Mauve
Erysimum Purple Glow
Erysimum Ley Purple Glow
Erysimum Ley White
Erysimum lemon Glow
Erysimum Orange Purple Glow
Erysimum Orange Glow
Phyteuma scheuchzeri
Dracocephalum Rupestre
Bee Friendly
Achillea mil Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta Impr
Achillea millefolium Milly Rock Red Impr.
Achillea millefolium Milly Rock Rose
Calamintha nepeta Marvelette Blue
Calamintha nepeta Marvelette White
Campanula Takion White
Campanula Takionn Blauw
Cosmos Casanova Pink
Cosmos Casanova Red
Cosmos Casanova Violet
Dahlia Dreamy Eyes
Dahlia Dreamy Flame
Dahlia Dreamy Morning
Dahlia Happy Day’s Orange Red Bicolor
Dahlia Happy Day’s Pink
Delosperma Hot Pink
Delosperma Suntropics Copper
Delosperma Suntropics Cream
Delosperma Suntropics Purple
Delosperma Suntropics Red
Erysimum Bolwes Mauve
Erysimum Lemon Glow
Erysimum Leya White
Erysimum Orange Glow
Erysimum Orange Purple Glow
Gaillardia Barican Yellow Red Ring
Gaillardia Spintop Red Starbust
Gypsophila muralis Teeny Deep Rose
Gypsophila muralis Teeny White
Lavandula Speedy Pink Blush
Lavandula Speedy Purple
Leucanthemum max Sweet Daisy Christine
Penstemon hartwegii Phoenix Pink
Penstemon Hartwegii Phoenix Red
Penstemon hartwegii ‘Phoenix Violet’
Penstemon Twizzle Blue
Penstemon Twizzle Scarlet
Penstemon Twizzle White
Phlox pan Early Purple Eye
Phlox pan Early White
Salvia farinacea Sallyfun Deep Ocean
Salvia farinacea Sallyfun Snow White
Salvia microphylla Hot Lips
Salvia nemorosa Apex Blue
Salvia nemorosa Apex Pink
Salvia nemorosa Apex White
Salvia nemorosa Marvel Blue
Salvia nemorosa Marvel Rose
Verbena rigida Santos
4 beoordelingen voor Plantenpakket Borderpakket H20-40, set van 5 planten
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